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Blindes Huhn

Board Games » Blindes Huhn


A simple trick-taking game where you are trying to avoid collecting the Blind Hens. The cards are numbered 0-59 and are all dealt out (use a reduced deck with fewer players). Players then take time to sort out their hand as they want to play it. When everybody has fixed their hand, the first trick is lead. You may only play a card from either END of your hand, you may NOT re-order your hand or choose from the middle. Score the tricks you won. Each card with a Blind Hen has some eggs on it, the eggs count against you - minus one point each. But if a trick has more than one Blind Hen in it, you total the Hens and multiply with the total eggs to give the score for that trick.1st Place 1997 Hippodice Spieleautorenwettbewerb. Spiel gut 1998 - BoardGameGeek

Extra Info

BGID: 858
Category: Card Game
Time: 20 minutes
Designer: Michael Schacht
PrimaryName: Blindes Huhn
Players: 3 to 6
Year: 1997
Product Title: Blindes Huhn
Mechanics: Trick-taking
Ages: 8 and up
Publisher: Berliner Spielkarten



Condition Price In Stock  
Brand New $0.00 1


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