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Invasion Block

Magic Singles » Invasion Block

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The Phyrexians are invading Dominaria. The strong will fall. The swift will perish. The rich will burn. Because there is only one way to fight the Phyrexians - together. The Invasion expansion for the Magic: The Gathering trading card game realizes the potential of multicolor power. Start thinking about gold cards, Legends, and Dragons. Then start thinking about how you're going to win. Fight the Enemy. Join the Coalition.


The Darkest Chapter Once you experience the Planeshift, there's no turning back. And the Phyrexians are taking no prisoners. Will you survive? Well, Gating allows you to play the biggest, baddest creatures, without the heavy cost. And Familiars give spell cost-reduction a new spin. Factor in tricolor mana Dragon Lairs and double-Kicker Battlemages, and it's easy to see how the Planeshift expansion adds up to major carnage. Arm yourself with Planeshift and live to fight another day... Or not. Two worlds. Many ways to perish.


This is it. It's all hitting the fan. And the fan's hitting back. The Signs of Apocalypse are here. Enemy colors band together like never before. Volvers evolve into huge monstrosities if you pay one or both of their enemy-color kicker costs while Sanctuaries give you a benefit each upkeep if you control a permanent of one or both enemy colors. Even creatures show signs of the Apocalypse as new magical abilities threaten to unleash multi-colored mayhem. Be Wise; Learn to handle their fury. After all, knowledge is power. Miss out and rest in pieces. Apocalypse. Coming.