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British Rails

Board Games » British Rails


'British Rails is the game of railroad construction and operation across the narrow confines of the home of railroading, Great Britain. Build your railroads across the mountain-covered islands and haul freight to make your fortune!' -from rulebookDesign based on Empire Builder as part of the crayon rail games. BoardGameGeek Info

Extra Info

BGID: 2689
Category: Economic, Trains, Transportation
Time: 180 minutes
Designer: Barb Roznai, Elaine Henninger, Jim Griffin, Joe Roznai
PrimaryName: British Rails
Players: 2 to 6
Year: 1984
Product Title: British Rails
Family: Mayfair Crayon Rail Games
Mechanics: Crayon Rail System, Pick-up and Deliver
Ages: 12 and up
Publisher: Mayfair Games



Condition Price In Stock  
Brand New $38.00 $2.93 1


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