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Board Games » Crokinole


This game is like shuffleboard in the round. Players take turns flicking disks on a board, trying to score points by attaining central regions. The main stipulation being that contact with the other teams' pieces must be made in order for the disk to remain on the board afterward. Although the game uses quite a bit of skill to flick the disks, there's a very significant strategy element to the game. There are many different variants and rules, as this game is very old and has had many different incarnations over the years. - BoardGameGeek

Extra Info

BGID: 521
Category: Action/Dexterity
Time: 30 minutes
Designer: (Uncredited)
PrimaryName: Crokinole
Players: 2 to 4
Year: 1876
Product Title: Crokinole
Mechanics: Partnerships
Ages: 8 and up
Publisher: (Public Domain), Carrom Co., Crokinole World, Felsberger, Industries Prince, Inc., Willard, Show More



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