Board Games » Dampfross
This game was originally designed by a teacher to be used as a learning tool. There are several different editions of this game (originally released in the UK as Railway Rivals), but most feature several different hexagonal maps of real locations, such as Tennessee and Germany. Starting from one of the cities pictured on the map, players build track during the first part of the game. Players receive a small bonus for reaching a city before anyone else, but otherwise funds are quite limited. After nearly every city has been connected to someone's rail line, several races are held on the resultant track. The starting city and destination city are determined randomly, and players can use each other's track (for a nominal fee, of course). After all races have been held, the player with largest bank account is the winner.It is part of the crayon rail games. - BoardGameGeek
Extra Info
BGID: 539Category: Racing, Trains
Time: 90 minutes
Designer: David G. Watts
PrimaryName: Dampfross
Players: 2 to 6
Year: 1983
Product Title: Dampfross
Mechanics: Crayon Rail System, Route/Network Building
Ages: 10 and up
Publisher: Alga (Brio), Butehorn Spiele, Laurin Verlag (aka Citadel Germany), Schmidt Spiele
Condition | Price | In Stock | |
Brand New | $0.00 | 1 |