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Der Hexer von Salem

Board Games » Der Hexer von Salem


Based on Wolfgang Hohlbein's book series which in turn is based on H.P. Lovecraft's mythos. This game was recently announced with an expected release date of October 2008. Age recommendation: 12+From the publisher: Elder demons are gathering their powers to enter our dimension through a rift in space. Their goal is to spread darkness in our world. It is not too late yet though and the mighty Witcher of Salem beckons brave warriors to aid him in his fight against the lurking evil.Players first have to find out which place the demons have picked to make their appearance. Equipped with magic items the heroes march forward into the unknown while horrible creatures rise from the swamps to end their quest.Will the players save the world or are the demons going to wake from their eternal sleep to conquer earth ? BoardGameGeek Info

Extra Info

BGID: 38506
Category: Horror, Novel-based
Time: 60 minutes
Designer: Michael Rieneck
PrimaryName: Der Hexer von Salem
Players: 2 to 4
Year: 2008
Artist: Franz Vohwinkel
Product Title: Der Hexer von Salem
Ages: 0 and up
Publisher: Kosmos (Franckh-Kosmos), Mayfair Games



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