Die Oster Insel
Board Games » Die Oster Insel
A simple game. Race to the end of a path. On your turn, you must move one figure and place as many rocks in the heads of other figures as the number of spaces you moved. Of the first two finishers, the one with the most rocks in his head wins.The pieces are big honking Moai (Easter Island Statues) heads made of plastic which are hollow. The game is short and simple. There is not a huge amount of strategy and it helps if the other players cannot remember how many rocks are in the others heads. - BoardGameGeek
Extra Info
BGID: 445Category: Racing
Time: 30 minutes
Designer: Alex Randolph, Leo Colovini
PrimaryName: Die Oster Insel
Players: 3 to 4
Year: 1994
Product Title: Die Oster Insel
Ages: 10 and up
Publisher: Blatz
Condition | Price | In Stock | |
Brand New | $0.00 | 1 |