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Dragon Delta

Board Games » Dragon Delta


The object of the game is to move your pawn over a system of bridge-like planks to other side of the board. To accomplish this, players simultaneously select five cards from an equal set of actions. The actions allow players to place plank foundations, place planks, move their pawns, cancel other players' actions, or remove planks or foundation stones. As can be expected for a game with simultaneous action selection, the game is rather chaotic. - BoardGameGeek

Extra Info

BGID: 634
Category: Racing
Time: 30 minutes
Designer: Roberto Fraga
PrimaryName: Dragon Delta
Players: 2 to 6
Year: 2000
Product Title: Dragon Delta
Mechanics: Simultaneous Action Selection
Ages: 7 and up
Publisher: Descartes Editeur, Eurogames



Condition Price In Stock  
Brand New $0.00 1


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