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Empire Builder

Board Games » Empire Builder


The original and flagship of Mayfair's crayon-rails line allows players to draw their train routes over a map of the United States. Players start with enough money to build short lengths of track, and by running their trains and delivering loads to various cities acquire more cash to expand their networks. BoardGameGeek Info

Extra Info

BGID: 168
Category: Trains, Transportation
Time: 180 minutes
Designer: Bill Fawcett, Darwin Bromley
PrimaryName: Empire Builder
Players: 2 to 6
Year: 1980
Product Title: Empire Builder
Family: Mayfair Crayon Rail Games
Mechanics: Crayon Rail System, Pick-up and Deliver
Ages: 12 and up
Publisher: Mayfair Games



Condition Price In Stock  
Brand New $37.99 $2.09 1


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