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Glenn's Gallery

Board Games » Glenn's Gallery


'This is my balance sheet. It tells me what kind of art I like.' Glenn Willibin, sole proprietor, Glenns GalleryIts not easy working for Glenn Willibin, the most notorious art dealer in town. Sure, his gallery is the most respected and diverse, and you and his staff are competing to become [as we are still learning!!!] the most knowledgeable about the trends and traps of the risky world of art speculation. Still, Glenns all about one thing: his bottom line. Fail, and you find yourself stripped of your responsibilities. Succeed, and-well, you still have a job in the morning. Thats just the way Glenn is...You are all employees of Glenns Gallery, a prestigious art gallery where you are learning the ins and outs of the business of selling fine art. Your job is to look at trends in the art world, and recommend to Glenn the types of art that are going to attract the most customers. Customers are represented by cards, and at the beginning of each turn, you have a certain amount of information about the customers that will show up this month. However, you also have to watch out for art students, who drive away paying customers! At the end of each month, Glenn looks at the number of customers that have expressed interest in each type of art and rewards (or penalizes) each player based on their choices.[From Publisher]Reimplementation of [GAMEID=344]. BoardGameGeek Info

Extra Info

BGID: 39834
Category: Deduction
Time: 60 minutes
Designer: Reiner Knizia
Year: 2010
Product Title:
Ages: 10 and up
Publisher: Mayfair Games



Condition Price In Stock  
Brand New $35.00 $1.54 1


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