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Labyrinth Card Game

Board Games » Labyrinth Card Game


Part of the Ravensburger Labyrinth Games series. Lay square labyrinth cards showing fantasy symbols like a griffin, dragon, scroll, key, gems etc.. When you make a direct path between identical symbols, you may take the card showing the object that was already in the maze, leaving the card you just played. You only hold 2 cards and draw after laying. Game ends when the draw pile is finished, most cards collected wins. A children's game that is fun enough as a filler for adults. - BoardGameGeek

Extra Info

BGID: 533
Category: Card Game
Time: 30 minutes
Designer: Max J. Kobbert
PrimaryName: Labyrinth Card Game
Players: 2 to 6
Year: 2000
Artist: Andreas Harlin, Joachim Krause
Product Title: Labyrinth Card Game
Family: Ravensburger Labyrinth Games
Mechanics: Tile Placement
Ages: 7 and up
Publisher: Ravensburger



Condition Price In Stock  
Brand New $0.00 1


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