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Movie Mania

Board Games » Movie Mania


Movie Mania is the exciting board game designed for complete family entertainment. Containing quotes, questions and phrases from the greatest movies of all time. Two to Four players or teams reveal lines from such classics as Gone With the Wind and Terminator II, then try to identify the movie title and actor/actress who said them. Players may act out scenes or impersonate their favorite actors to help their teammates guess the answers. Six categories are featured: Action/Adventure, Drama, Comedy, Classic/Western, Science Fiction/Horror, and Trivia.Includes gameboard, 1 six sided die, 60 second timer, 1 card box containing 330 question and answer cards, 50 score cards, 4 colored game pieces, and 2 pencils - BoardGameGeek

Extra Info

BGID: 899
Category: Card Game, Memory, Party Game, Trivia
Time: 60 minutes
Designer: (Uncredited)
PrimaryName: Movie Mania
Players: 2 to 4
Year: 1996
Product Title: Movie Mania
Mechanics: Memory
Ages: 13 and up
Publisher: Endgame Entertainment



Condition Price In Stock  
Brand New $0.00 1


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