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Board Games » Neighbors


extrapolated from sessions report:The game comes in the long, flat Monopoly-style box. The 3-fold map depicts a circular 'street' with 6 colored houses numbered 1 to 6 distributed evenly around the street. These are the player houses, assigned at game start by a die-roll. In between the player houses are other spaces such as 'S' (Slob), 'C' (Clean), Mischief Night, Recycle, Lose A Turn, Pot Luck, Wild, Sue Neighbour! and Start. There are 6 coloured heads (to match the player's houses), money in 10/20/50/100 bill denominations, 10 Slumrunner cards and 50 Slob cards. Slob cards have values from 10 to 70 on them and say things like 'Overgrown grass and weeds', or 'Junk Vehicles In Yard'. Starred (*) cards don't count against you when a round ends. The rules are brief and are printed on the game-box insert.The idea of the game is to be a clean/good neighbor and hence become the wealthiest neighbor on the block. - BoardGameGeek

Extra Info

BGID: 377
Category: Economic
Time: 40 minutes
Designer: Mark J. Bronkowski
PrimaryName: Neighbors
Players: 2 to 6
Year: 0
Product Title: Neighbors
Mechanics: Card Drafting, Roll and Move
Ages: 0 and up
Publisher: M&P Distibutors



Condition Price In Stock  
Brand New $0.00 1


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