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Nippon Rails

Board Games » Nippon Rails


Nippon Rails is an Empire Builder game set on the islands of Japan. It is considered to be among the more challenging maps, given many narrow portions that are susceptible to purposeful blockage by opponents. Includes a unique tunnel feature linking the main island Honshu to the northern island Hokkaido.Part of the crayon_rail_games series. BoardGameGeek Info

Extra Info

BGID: 1830
Category: Trains
Time: 120 minutes
Designer: (Uncredited)
PrimaryName: Nippon Rails
Players: 2 to 4
Year: 1992
Product Title: Nippon Rails
Family: Mayfair Crayon Rail Games
Mechanics: Crayon Rail System
Ages: 12 and up
Publisher: Mayfair Games



Condition Price In Stock  
Brand New $42.00 $2.07 1


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