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Quests of the Round Table

Board Games » Quests of the Round Table


from Game Report Online Review:The game comes with two decks of cards. The story deck determines what happens on each player's turn a quest, a tournament, or a special event. The adventure deck holds the allies, foes, weapons, tests, and amour cards which get dealt and drawn into players' hands. Players begin the game as squires with a lowly battle strength of five and, by earning shields, try to be the first to progress through knight and champion knight to become a knight of the round table - BoardGameGeek

Extra Info

BGID: 360
Category: Card Game, Medieval
Time: 60 minutes
Designer: Scott Kimball
PrimaryName: Quests of the Round Table
Players: 2 to 4
Year: 1995
Product Title: Quests of the Round Table
Ages: 10 and up
Publisher: Gamewright



Condition Price In Stock  
Brand New $0.00 1


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