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Real Action Stockcar Championship

Board Games » Real Action Stockcar Championship


Game comes with 1 double-sided board (tracks), dice (used for movement, position challenges, track incidents), pawns for keeping track of lap count, 20 plastic cars (better to use Micro-machine sized toy cars), rulebook, lap sheets (for longer races).From their website (www.realaction.com):The Real Action Stockcar Championship (RASC) stock car racing board game. RASC is a fast paced, exciting simulation of stock car racing. Our dynamic RASC board game comes with 2 different race tracks demanding different racing strategies. Up to 20 drivers experience the thrills of being in the driver's seat of a stock car with the excitement of true racing. All drivers make their own pit and race strategies to win the race and eventually the RA Cup for winning the RASC championship. - BoardGameGeek

Extra Info

BGID: 890
Category: Dice, Racing
Time: 90 minutes
Designer: Brady Cooper, Curtis Cooper, Nile Christian
PrimaryName: Real Action Stockcar Championship
Players: 1 to 20
Year: 1998
Product Title: Real Action Stockcar Championship
Ages: 10 and up
Publisher: Real Action Games



Condition Price In Stock  
Brand New $0.00 1


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