Board Games » Riffifi
From session report: A card game. The deck consists of five different colored sets of cards, each set numbered 1 - 8. There are also five matching sets of wooden disks, 10 of each color.The cards are dealt out equally to the players and they alternate playing one card face-up to the table. Unlike a trick-taking game, there is no need to follow suit players may play any card they desire. If a player lays a card of the same color and a LOWER value as a previously laid card that round, the higher card is turned over and is out of play. When play returns to a player who still has his card face-up in front of him, he collects a number of chips from the stockpile which matches the number and color of the card he played. If his card is face-down, however, he does not collect any chips. In either case, he plays another card and the cycle continues until the players have played all of their cards.When collecting chips, if the stockpile of a certain color is depleted, the player then steals the required number and color of chips from the opponent who currently possesses the most chips of that color. Thus, each player's collection of chips is constantly in danger of being confiscated by their opponents.The basic rules call for a number of rounds equal to the number of players, with the player collecting the greatest cumulative total of chips over those rounds being the victor. - BoardGameGeek
Extra Info
BGID: 660Category: Card Game
Time: 15 minutes
Designer: Stefan Dorra
PrimaryName: Riffifi
Players: 3 to 5
Year: 2000
Product Title: Riffifi
Mechanics: Simultaneous Action Selection
Ages: 10 and up
Publisher: Winning Moves
Condition | Price | In Stock | |
Brand New | $0.00 | 1 |