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Shanghai Trader

Board Games » Shanghai Trader


Shanghai Trader is a game of wheeling and dealing, vice and corruption set in Shanghai. As an adventurous trading baron, you must rip off the economy for as much as you dare and escape the city with the largest international bank account before civil disorder ends the game and your life. In making your fortune, you will have to establish a trading empire by hiring a number of different workers. However you always run the risk of being shanghai'ed to Old Chinatown, where all manner of skullduggery occurs. You will have to collude with other players, attend special events, or even resort to hiring the services of special contractors to... 'trouble' ...your rivals. - BoardGameGeek

Extra Info

BGID: 796
Category: Economic, Political
Time: 240 minutes
Designer: Dave O'Connor, Peter Wyche, Steve Barnes, Steve Utick
PrimaryName: Shanghai Trader
Players: 3 to 6
Year: 1986
Product Title: Shanghai Trader
Mechanics: Tile Placement, Trading
Ages: 12 and up
Publisher: Panther Games



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Brand New $0.00 1


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