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Struggle for Rome

Board Games » Struggle for Rome


Struggle for Rome is a new Settlers of Catan game. The game can be compared with the Settlers historical scenarios.On the board you have a fixed map that represents southern Europe. The players represent Germanic tribes that are marching on Rome. Each player has two armies that start in the northeastern corner of the board. These armies will move across the board, pillaging cities for resources.Belongs to the Catan Series. BoardGameGeek Info

Extra Info

BGID: 25234
Category: Ancient, Civilization
Time: 120 minutes
Designer: Klaus Teuber
Year: 2006
Artist: Tanja Donner
Product Title:
Family: Catan, Catan Histories, The Roman Empire
Mechanics: Area Movement, Trading
Ages: 10 and up
Publisher: 999 Games, Competo / Marektoy, Filosofia Édition, Giochi Uniti, KOSMOS, Mayfair Games, Zvezda,



Condition Price In Stock  
Brand New $49.00 $0.00 1


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