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Terrain Vague

Board Games » Terrain Vague


Having many system similarities to Full Metal Planete, Terrain Vague is a war game-ish game based on young gangs of kids fighting over turf in a junk yard. Imagine a R-rated Little Rascals movie with weapons and you get the idea.A winner of the 1992 Concours International de Createurs de Jeux de Societe. - BoardGameGeek

Extra Info

BGID: 29
Category: Wargame
Time: 120 minutes
Designer: Franck Parcabe, Roland Scaron
PrimaryName: Terrain Vague
Players: 2 to 4
Year: 1993
Artist: Jacques Tardi
Product Title: Terrain Vague
Mechanics: Action Point Allowance System, Modular Board
Ages: 10 and up
Publisher: Ludodelire



Condition Price In Stock  
Brand New $0.00 1


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