The Dutch Golden Age
Board Games » The Dutch Golden Age
The topic is the history of the Netherlands in the 17th century. The game is played on a large game board of the Netherlands, divided into provinces. In addition, there are boxes for the East and the West Indies. The aim of the players is to make progress in as many fields as possible. Progress can be achieved in culture, in arts, in trade, and in the colonies. BoardGameGeek Info
Extra Info
BGID: 35289Category: Economic, Territory Building
Time: 60 minutes
Designer: Giuseppe Baù, Leo Colovini
Year: 2008
Product Title:
Family: Country: Netherlands
Mechanics: Area Movement, Auction/Bidding
Ages: 10 and up
Publisher: Mayfair Games, Millenium, Phalanx Games B.V., Phalanx Games Deutschland, Phalanx Games Polska,
Condition | Price | In Stock | |
Brand New | $44.99 $0.00 | 1 |