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The El Grande Expansions

Board Games » The El Grande Expansions


In a single package, Rio Grande combines English versions of both of the El Grande expansions released up to this point. Both expansions change the game significantly and may be used independently or together.The first expansion is King and Intrigue, which combines the priority cards and action cards into one single mechanism. This changes the game extensively, so that many describe it as a different game played with the El Grande board. The package includes all of the cards from the German version Konig & Intrigant as well as some, although not all, of the additional cards released under the German title Konig and Intrigant: Players' Edition.The second expansion included in the package is the Grand Inquisitor and Colonies, which adds four new regions and two new actions, making seven total actions when used with the basic game's five.Package includes: King and Intrigue King and Intrigue: Player's Edition (selected cards only) Grand Inquisitor and Colonies Expands El Grande - BoardGameGeek

Extra Info

BGID: 583
Category: Expansion for Base-game, Political
Time: 90 minutes
Designer: Wolfgang Kramer, Richard Ulrich
PrimaryName: The El Grande Expansions
Players: 2 to 5
Year: 2000
Product Title: The El Grande Expansions
Ages: 12 and up
Publisher: Rio Grande Games



Condition Price In Stock  
Brand New $0.00 1


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