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The Settlers of Catan Card Game

Board Games » The Settlers of Catan Card Game


In this unique card game, each player acquires resources from the lands surrounding their cities and can spend those resources on new cities, roads, knights, and civic improvements. Every civic improvement serves some useful function or adds victory points (necessary to win the game) or both. Action cards, drawn from the same decks as city improvements and knights, have more direct and temporary effects and serve to mix things up a bit.Belongs to the Catan Series and is part of the Kosmos two-player series. BoardGameGeek Info

Extra Info

BGID: 278
Category: Card Game, Territory Building
Time: 90 minutes
Designer: Klaus Teuber
PrimaryName: The Settlers of Catan Card Game
Players: 2 to 2
Year: 1996
Artist: Franz Vohwinkel
Product Title: The Settlers of Catan Card Game
Family: Catan, Kosmos two-player series
Mechanics: Card Drafting, Hand Management, Trading
Ages: 10 and up
Publisher: 999 Games, Devir, Filosofia Editions, Kosmos (Franckh-Kosmos), Laserplus, Marektoy, Mayfair Games, Smart Ltd, Tilsit, Show More



Condition Price In Stock  
Brand New $20.00 $4.37 1


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