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Tom Clancy's Politika

Board Games » Tom Clancy's Politika


from User Review: Tom Clancy, the famous author of military-style thrillers, long been a wargaming fan. Now, he has entered into the wargame market with Politika, produced by a company of his own, Red Storm Entertainment.The premise of the game is that Yelstin has died and there is now a power struggle amongst various factions within Russia to take control of the vast country. The game is billed as 'The Strategy Game of political intrigue in modern day Russia'. - BoardGameGeek

Extra Info

BGID: 399
Category: Political
Time: 90 minutes
Designer: Jim Van Verth
PrimaryName: Tom Clancy's Politika
Players: 2 to 8
Year: 1997
Product Title: Tom Clancy's Politika
Mechanics: Trading, Variable Player Powers
Ages: 12 and up
Publisher: Red Storm Entertainment



Condition Price In Stock  
Brand New $0.00 1


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