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Board Games » Trajan


Trajan is included as an insert game in issue #145 of the Strategy & Tactics magazine.Trajan is a two player wargame covering the military campaigns of Roman Emperor Marcus Ulpius Nerva Trajan from 114 to 117 AD. The game is strategic in scale, with units representing Roman and Parthian forces, and their allies. The mapsheet, overlaid with a hexagonal grid, covers an area corresponding approximately to modern day Iraq, Iran and Kuwait.The game system is later extended to Roman Civil War (S&T #157), Caesar in Gallia (S&T #165) and Germania (S&T #175). The maps of these games can also be combined to replace the function of off-board boxes.Game components consist of mapsheet, counters, rules and game charts.Nominee for the 1991 Charles S. Roberts awards for Best Pre-World War II Boardgame (Charles S. Roberts Awards). - BoardGameGeek

Extra Info

BGID: 741
Category: Ancient, Wargame
Time: 180 minutes
Designer: Joseph Miranda
PrimaryName: Trajan
Players: 2 to 2
Year: 1991
Product Title: Trajan
Mechanics: Hex-and-Counter
Ages: 12 and up
Publisher: Decision Games



Condition Price In Stock  
Brand New $60.00 $0.00 1


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