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Board Games » Trax


from the Trax site:Trax is a two player abstract strategy game of loops and lines. It can be played on any flat surface (no board): using identical square tiles with straights on one side and curves on the other. The rules of TRAX are simple: place tiles adjacent to those already in play such that the colours of the tracks match. The objective is to get a loop or line of your colour while attempting to stop your opponent in their colour. What gives Trax its strategic depth is the forced play rule which allows (or even requires) multiple tiles to be played in a turn.Online Play Boardspace.net (real-time, AI option) GoldToken.net (turn-based) - BoardGameGeek

Extra Info

BGID: 748
Category: Abstract Strategy
Time: 10 minutes
Designer: David Smith
PrimaryName: Trax
Players: 2 to 2
Year: 1980
Product Title: Trax
Mechanics: Tile Placement
Ages: 8 and up
Publisher: Excalibre Games, Inc., Heraclio Fournier, Tantrix Games Ltd., US Playing Card Co.



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Brand New $0.00 1


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