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Settlers of Catan - The Great River

Board Games » Settlers of Catan - The Great River


The Great River of Catan is an expansion for The Settlers of Catan. The expansion consists of a tile with 3 hexes and a river. Everything constructed alongside this river grants a gold point. Each 3 gold points are worth one victory point. All the other rules are the same as the base game - except you need 2 more victory points to win the game. This expansion was originally only available as an insert in Games Quarterly Magazine.Belongs to the Catan Series.Expands: The Settlers of Catan BoardGameGeek Info

Extra Info

BGID: 20247
Category: City Building, Civilization, Expansion for Base-game
Time: 90 minutes
Designer: Guido Teuber, Klaus Teuber
PrimaryName: Settlers of Catan - The Great River
Players: 3 to 6
Year: 2005
Artist: Tanja Donner
Product Title: Settlers of Catan - The Great River
Family: Catan
Mechanics: Dice Rolling, Modular Board, Trading
Ages: 10 and up
Publisher: Catan GmbH, Mayfair Games



Condition Price In Stock  
Brand New $3.00 $0.17 1


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