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Tempest Block

Magic Singles » Tempest Block

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The Tempest expansion is loaded with 300+ cards, ranging from basic lands to powerful new spells. The set takes place on the stormy plane of Rath, where Gerrard and the heroes of the Weatherlight set out to find Volrath's stronghold.


Gerrard and the crew of the Weatherlight journey through the bowels of Volrath's stronghold, battling the twisted creations of Volrath's evil mind in an attempt to rescue their imprisoned comrades. The stronghold yields many dark secrets about the crew's friends, enemies, and themselves. Enter the darkness of Stronghold.


A young man alone in a cruel landscape, focused on a singular task. He must open an arcane portal before his comrades return from the dark fortress... if they return. He is just one man, but there is no force he cannot overcome. Except his fate. When last we joined the crew of the Weatherlight, the ship had emerged from the Death Pits and docked at Volrath's stronghold. They faced the daunting prospect of recovering all that Rath has taken from them: the Weatherlight's former captain, Sisay, and Starke's daughter, Takara; their captured companions Tahngarth and Karn; and the stolen pieces of the Legacy. Gerrard, Starke, Mirri, and Crovax begin their search of the stronghold while Hanna and the others stay with the ship.